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Geo-environmental assessment of an urban extension

Feasibility Support Site Assessments Geotechnical Support

A feasibility assessment and a combined geo-environmental investigation of a large greenfield site undertaken for a client at pre-planning stage to aid the design of the most cost effective foundations and drainage for the scheme and to support the discharge of any planning conditions that might be placed upon the development.

Project:  An area of fields on the edge of a town to be developed into housing, including sustainable drainage system, recreation areas and related infrastructure.

Nature of site: A large field with no previous recorded development history, sensitive environmental receptors (geology, watercourse across site), variable geology resulting in 3 separate zones for foundation recommendations. 

Scope: Phase I & II geo-environmental investigation comprising 77 trial pits and 21 boreholes. Analysis of soils for waste disposal purposes and geotechnical testing. Groundwater level monitoring and soakaway testing. Completion of a topographic survey with a drone to help map exploratory locations in GIS software to inform the drainage strategy and generate a standardised scaled base plan to be used by other elements of the wider project team.

Client: Regional House Builder

Duration of works: 5 weeks

Value: £30,000