EPS' Fuel Feasibility Decision Matrix
We've produced a thing we’re calling the EPS Fuel Feasibility Decision Matrix, which we initially developed internally but then took further through conversations and comments provided by contacts in the PFS (Petrol Filling Station) industry and key personnel in the Environment Agency (EA). Now that it’s finished, we’d like to share our Decision Matrix with the world so that everyone can benefit from it and hopefully, if it makes just one person’s job a little easier, it’ll be worth it!
It is intended as a high level guide at feasibility stage to help establish the likely outcome and associated costs for different fuel infrastructure requirements for a new or refurbished petrol filling station, depending on the environmental sensitivity of the location.
Our hope is that it can help with normalising outcomes across the country and thereby provide greater cost and programme certainty when new sites or upgrades are initially considered.
If we don’t currently work with you then we may have used some terminology that you are not entirely familiar with (although you’ll have probably made a fair assumption), so please feel free to give us a call, particularly if you are experiencing varying responses from different EA regions.
The key contacts on this are Will Evans and Marcus Bell.